Ponderosa Property Owners Association (PPOA) Page:

If you have not done so yet, join the PPOA now!

The specific and primary purpose of the Ponderosa Property Owner Association (PPOA) is the promotion of the welfare and enjoyment of the property owners in Ponderosa and in adjacent areas. Among the many services provided by the PPOA are:

Communication among owners; The PPOA maintains an accurate list of PPOA members and shares with them important information through its newsletter published 5 times a year. This coming year the PPOA will develop its own website where updated information of weather, fire, road conditions and many other aspects of our community will be posted.

Working with other Ponderosa groups: The PPOA works with the PCSD (Ponderosa Community Service District) and helps to maintain and repair the water system.

Social events: The PPOA organizes several social events each year for the community. These are opportunities for owners to meet each other, make new friends and share common interests.

Mailboxes: The PPOA maintains the mailbox building that allows owners to have mail delivered directly to Ponderosa.

Fire Brigade: Most importantly, the PPOA maintains and supports a fire brigade. This all-volunteer fire brigade known as the “Ponderosa Fire Brigade” was established in 2007 for the purpose of fire suppression, rescue, and emergency medical aid within the community and for all its benefit and safety. The Brigade is led by a Fire Chief (Dave LaPere) who promotes policies that define duties and coverage, conducts training and maintains the necessary equipment for the best operation of the Brigade.   The brigade maintains a fire truck that provides first intervention in case of fire in the area. The recent Needle Rock Road fire south of Holby Meadow on July 8 is a good example of how the fire brigade efficiently contributed to a rapid intervention by the Fire and Forest Departments that avoided a major fire in our community (see article from Dana Stewart in this issue). With an unprecedented number of dead trees in the community, we are facing for the many years to come, one of the highest levels of fire hazard in our community. Support to our fire brigade is a top priority of the PPOA.

Maintenance of public space: The PPOA maintains street signs and is presently working at creating a site in the honor of those who contributed to the community.

All these benefits are provided for a minimal annual fee of $30 for homeowners and $15 for landowners (due September 1, 2017 for 2017-2018). Please use the form enclosed in the newsletter to mail your 2017-2018 membership contribution and consider adding a donation to the fire brigade. Thank you very much.

To join the PPOA, please download, fill out, and return the membership form from the link below.


PPOA Newsletters

PPOA Meeting Minutes

PPOA DIRECTORY 2017 – 2018